MB STUDIO version 8.73 + MB LIVE and MB REMOTE 1.73 available
Compared to the previous version:
- Webcast: 8 audio/video encoders are now available in MB STUDIO PRO. (4 encoders in the other versions of MB STUDIO)
- Webcast: AAC+ codec is now extended up to 128kbits, while from 192 kbits and above the AAC LC codec is used
- Audio: it is possible to choose the frequency of the base audio clock CONFIGURATION - AUDIO CLOCK 44100 or 48000
- Tag: the BPM tag is read if present in the file
- Weather: in MB STUDIO PRO it is possible to manage the weather data of up to 11 different cities CONFIGURATION - OPTIONS - WEATHER (1 city in the other versions of MB STUDIO)
- Properties: new flag "Remove it if preceded by a "closer" song (useful for example to suppress a jingle if the song that precedes it has a closer ending)
- Song Announcement: if the duration of the song intro is shorter than the duration of the song announcement, MB STUDIO can automatically play a backing track
- Video: automatic "countdown" overlay SETUP - VIDEO - OPTIONS3 - COUNTDOWN TIMER
- NDI - Decklink: It is now possible to activate NDI and Decklink outputs even without using video, for sending audio only.
- Video: The "Time" overlay can now be placed anywhere on the screen, be limited in width, and each line of text can have a different background color CONFIGURATION - VIDEO - OPTIONS3 - TIME
- Video: Song title overlay can be positioned anywhere on the screen and adjusted to any width CONFIGURATION - VIDEO - OPTIONS2 - SONG TITLES
- Video: weather overlay CONFIGURATION - VIDEO - OPTIONS3 - WEATHER
- Video: new rss feed viewer VIDEO - NEWS TICKER
- Video: automatic camera switching VIDEO - CHANGE CAMERA EVERY XX SECONDS
- Configuration: in the Configuration \ Songs section added the Default Settings button to reset the musical distance rules and eliminate timeout errors
- Video: fixed a bug that caused occasional black screens between videos
- NDI: fixed a bug that occasionally caused audio and video to be out of sync on the NDI output
- Timeslots: fixed a bug where a timeslot was sometimes not removed from the playlist after the time indicated in "expiration"
- Mixing: fixed a bug that occasionally slowed down audio mixing between files
- MB LIVE: address book added as already present in MB REMOTE
- MB REMOTE / MBLIVE: fixed an occasional destination folder error when sending files
NOTICE: This update begins the .73 series, is not installed through automatic updates and must be installed manually. When you first start MB STUDIO 8.73 you will need to:
- reload the playlist that should be on air and click on AUTOMATIC
- any automatic recordings with index number 6,7,8,9 are moved to another index number and therefore the start / end recorder properties of the objects that call them must be modified.
If you use the video plugin you will also need:
- if you use the NDI output you will have to go to Configuration \ Video \ Options 1 and reactivate it
- you may need to reposition the song titles on the screen, so go to Setup \ Video \ Song Titles and click Position, set the default and move the cursors to place the song titles where you want. The height of the "song titles" box is adjusted with the "height" slider
- you may need to reposition the "Timetable" overlay on the screen, so go to Configuration \ Video \ Options 3 \ Timetable and click Position
- if you use an on-screen rss feed to display the latest news you will have to reset it VIDEO - NEWS TICKER
Popular 56.68 MB 38
19/10/2023 23:36:00