Song Info Poster twitter

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07/07/2016 12:55 #80480 da radioolbiaweb
Song Info Poster twitter è stato creato da radioolbiaweb
Salve Maurizio.!! Dall'ultimo aggiornamento MB 8.57.1 Song Info Poster di twitter non funziona più.
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04/08/2016 14:33 #80683 da Radio Onda Libera
Risposta da Radio Onda Libera al topic Song Info Poster twitter
Da qualche giorno sembra non funzionare più...qualcuno ha riscontro?

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  • Mastacheata
11/08/2016 23:42 #80745 da Mastacheata
Risposta da Mastacheata al topic Song Info Poster twitter
Hello everyone,
I'm the developer of (Twitter only, started in 2012) and (not yet released, still in development)
Please excuse that I write this in english, but the only alternative would be German and I doubt that this is a better option for the majority.
I don't speak any Italian myself and can barely read enough to still make some sense out of the numerous Google translate errors.

Before today I didn't even know this software exists.

The issue with user 98 is probably that they reset their password.
I'll have to speak verbose to explain the reasons behind that:
We don't store any passwords on our server. There's only the one-way hash of the password to verify if whatever the export scripts/software/plugins submit is correct.
The user gets to choose their password when signing up and that password is then stored in a cookie inside the user's browser.
Whenever the user requests a new PAL download, that file is generated from scratch (we could store each user's PAL script , but then we'd have their passwords once again and it needs unneccessarily much harddisk space).
If the password from the cookie is available, that will be used and put into the password.
However that doesn't work if you switch computers or don't login for very long (cookies have a limited lifetime before they are deleted) or if you delete them by hand for privacy reasons or so.
In any such case a new password is generated along with the new PAL script and that will be completely random characters.
We currently don't have any password reset functionality. After all we don't need the password for login anyway, because we're authenticating users via Buffer.

SAM Broadcaster and RadioDJ users don't run into this problem so easily, because we've automated as much as possible for these two automation systems.
Both just take the PAL script and are automatically configured that way. (SAM because PAL is it's internal scripting language and RadioDJ because I've written a Plugin that parses the PAL file and handles the web requests internally)
Also both of these have some way to monitor/log the response from the webservice. (Yes, we actually return meaningful error messages)
In this case you would've seen an error message like this:

No user with that ID and password combination exists

We'll definitely modify the website to include a warning if no password is available from the cookie and generating a new PAL would invalidate all previous passwords.
I'll look into providing an option to change the password to a user defined text as well. That will probably take a little longer as I'm working with someone to do all the layouts and major design adjustments for me.

If you have more suggestions on how to further improve this service, just let me know. (Preferrably by using the Google Group at

If anyone feels qualified, feel free to translate this post. For a Google translated version look here .

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12/08/2016 03:12 - 12/08/2016 03:12 #80747 da MB RADIO
Risposta da MB RADIO al topic Song Info Poster twitter
Ho messo in area clienti MB STUDIO che riprende a pubblicare su Twitter via (grazie all'abilitazione effettuata dallo sviluppatore di

Trovate qui le istruzioni aggiornate:

I updated MB STUDIO to version to fix the posting to Twitter through (thanks to the developer)

Updated guide here:

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Ultima Modifica 12/08/2016 03:12 da MB RADIO.
Ringraziano per il messaggio: radioolbiaweb

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13/08/2016 15:29 #80758 da radiogammastereo
Risposta da radiogammastereo al topic Song Info Poster twitter

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  • webradio Finance
19/09/2016 15:10 #80945 da webradio Finance
Risposta da webradio Finance al topic Song Info Poster twitter
A me purtroppo continua a non funzionare. Ho tentato a rimuovere l'autorizzazione su twitter e a rinnovarla. Ma niente

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20/09/2018 15:59 #86049 da Angelo Ruggieri
Risposta da Angelo Ruggieri al topic Song Info Poster twitter
Credo che il servizio abbia smesso di funzionare a partire dai primi di Settembre 2018.
Adesso, lo stesso sviluppatore ha messo a punto un nuovo servizio (che permette la pubblicazione su Instagram e Facebook) chiamato SongPoster.

Ne ho chiesto la configurazione, dato che sul sito parla di compatibilità con MB STUDIO, vedremo di avere risposta.

Angelo Ruggieri - Data Scientist & Computer Scientist

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20/09/2018 17:42 #86050 da MB RADIO
Risposta da MB RADIO al topic Song Info Poster twitter

Il forum non sostituisce il servizio di assistenza tecnica. Per ricevere assistenza tecnica andare a questa pagina:
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20/09/2018 18:23 #86051 da radioolbiaweb
Risposta da radioolbiaweb al topic Song Info Poster twitter
A me funziona tutto alla perfezione.

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20/09/2018 18:27 #86052 da Angelo Ruggieri
Risposta da Angelo Ruggieri al topic Song Info Poster twitter
Provando ad effettuare l'accesso ( presenta i seguenti messaggi di errore:

Angelo Ruggieri - Data Scientist & Computer Scientist

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20/09/2018 18:28 #86053 da Angelo Ruggieri
Risposta da Angelo Ruggieri al topic Song Info Poster twitter
Stando alla pagina Facebook del servizio ( il tutto è ripreso a funzionare ieri, però presenta ancora problemi.

Angelo Ruggieri - Data Scientist & Computer Scientist

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  • Mastacheata
20/09/2018 20:57 #86054 da Mastacheata
Risposta da Mastacheata al topic Song Info Poster twitter
This is a misunderstanding.
We didn't shut down the old site, at least not on purpose.

Both projects were however affected by a server move and me failing to get some basic services to work in the last 3 weeks.
As of tuesday night both sites are supposed to be working again.

I suppose I broke the dashboard while repairing the actual API for posting messages, though.
Will look into that and hopefully repair it.

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MB STUDIO PRO / LITE MB Studio trasforma il computer in una stazione radio. Suona, mixa, sovrappone automaticamente voce e musica, jingles, pubblicita', notiziari. Riproduce stazioni radio web o satellitari e scarica automaticamente notiziari o rubriche da internet. Oltre al player multitraccia, include anche un CD audio ripper. La versione PRO Incorpora anche un jukebox musicale automatico via sms e/o emails.


video reel32MB RECASTER PRO comprende un registratore audio con schedulatore dedicato, trasmissione Webcast verso qualunque server Shoutcast, Icecast o Windows Media, funzione AutoDJ che permette di suonare files casuali da una lista di 4 cartelle, ricevitore URL che vi permette di registrare un qualunque flusso audio esterno o ritrasmetterlo al vostro server (transcoder), un convertitore di files audio da/a qualunque formato.


MB LIVEMB LIVE è un software per la trasmissione di audio \ video in diretta da postazione esterna a studio centrale. Questo programma, sfrutta una qualsiasi connessione TCPIP. E' fornito gratuitamente insieme al programma MB STUDIO PRO.