Desktop Ticker

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08/09/2023 21:44 - 08/09/2023 21:45 #98557 da Medeiros
Desktop Ticker è stato creato da Medeiros
Is it possible to put the font in bold?

I have a problem, it doesn't detect the letter "â" 

Regarding the weather, I also have a problem, I don't know what "Percebida" is (It doesn't exist in Portuguese).
Ultima Modifica 08/09/2023 21:45 da Medeiros.

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08/09/2023 21:53 - 08/09/2023 21:54 #98558 da MB RADIO
Risposta da MB RADIO al topic Desktop Ticker

try to use another font, maybe the current font do not have that letter a

"percebida" is the "feels like" temperature is a measurement of how hot or cold it really feels like outside. The “Feels Like” temperature relies on environmental data including the ambient air temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed to determine how weather conditions feel to bare skin.Different combinations of temperature, humidity, and wind speed can increase the sensation of being hot or cold. For example, skin that is exposed to wind and cold temperatures will make a person feel that it is colder outside than it really is because heat is drawn away from the body at a faster rate. As another example, a day that is very humid may feel hotter than it really is outside because your body sweat does not evaporate (and thereby cool the body) the way it is intended.

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Ultima Modifica 08/09/2023 21:54 da MB RADIO.

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13/09/2023 17:42 - 13/09/2023 17:43 #98598 da Medeiros
Risposta da Medeiros al topic Desktop Ticker
It seems to be a bug, only the "Â" does not appear, for example "Ê" appears.
You can test it there.
Ultima Modifica 13/09/2023 17:43 da Medeiros.

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14/09/2023 15:16 #98605 da MB RADIO
Risposta da MB RADIO al topic Desktop Ticker
what is the url of the feed?

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14/09/2023 15:19 - 14/09/2023 15:27 #98606 da Medeiros
Risposta da Medeiros al topic Desktop Ticker

what is the url of the feed?
I am using the font: Arial, Size 20.

Ultima Modifica 14/09/2023 15:27 da Medeiros.

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