SAPI5 Voice text to speech

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14/05/2017 01:09 #82612 da paul03034
SAPI5 Voice text to speech è stato creato da paul03034
When using text to speech I noticed that it does not create the wave file until 10-15 seconds before it is due to air. If you have a 7 second sweeper announcement or less than the 15 second creation time for the wave file creation it cannot play the text to speech. Could you not maybe push it to look 33 seconds or maybe even 1 minute ahead to create the text to speech wave file that will be playing out?

Thank you!

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14/05/2017 11:11 - 14/05/2017 11:12 #82613 da MB RADIO
Risposta da MB RADIO al topic SAPI5 Voice text to speech
It's not possible to generate a sapi voice in advance because it can also announce a time, but i don't see the problem it takes no more than 1 second to generate the file much time it takes to you? and how long text are you make it to read?

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Ultima Modifica 14/05/2017 11:12 da MB RADIO.

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15/05/2017 03:00 #82621 da paul03034
Risposta da paul03034 al topic SAPI5 Voice text to speech
I will look again tomorrow when I am not so tired.
I'll try different length files. I do the forecast/weather usually so it is long.

Thank you

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21/05/2017 03:52 - 21/05/2017 03:57 #82765 da paul03034
Risposta da paul03034 al topic SAPI5 Voice text to speech
I found what is happening with not playing as I watched the temp folder to see when file is created in reference to play and I saw file created, but did not play.

Problem happens when properties for text to speech file has no mix selected. I tried when it had 30 second spot ahead of text to speech and it was created 20 seconds before it needed to play and did not play. Tried same standard mix and no issue. Repeated with No Mix and it failed to play.

Fact of life or Bug?

Thank you!
Ultima Modifica 21/05/2017 03:57 da paul03034.

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21/05/2017 09:30 #82768 da MB RADIO
Risposta da MB RADIO al topic SAPI5 Voice text to speech
Fixed now

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