Plugin Interface / Add interval&filtering to webex

  • Mastacheata
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31/01/2017 23:48 #81820 da Mastacheata

We ( team) got multiple support requests from MB Studio users who'd like to have the "interval" and "filtering" features from and the new beta service.
As far as I can tell the Web Export functionality of MB Studio is limited to sending every track regardless of whether it's an actual song or advertising/liners/station ids etc. also there's no way to set an interval (i.e. post only once every 30 minutes or post only every 5th track).

I don't know if there's a plugin interface to hook into MB Studio and develop such a functionality on our own as a third party extension like we do for SAM Broadcaster (using the internal scripting engine PAL) or RadioDJ (using a full-blown .NET plugin with own graphical user-interface).
If there was, we'd be glad to supply our webservice as a plugin "in a box" with automated configuration from PAL file and support for all features we provide on the other platforms.

If not, I'd like to ask on behalf of the people seeking support from us to at least implement some way to make the web export functionality of MB Studio post only every so often instead of each track.

Kind regards,
Benedikt Bauer
Main-Developer of

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01/02/2017 12:00 #81824 da MB RADIO
Hello, filtering is already supported:

Interval is not supported but using filtering to publish only songs the interval is never less than 3 minutes so is not going to flood the service.

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  • Mastacheata
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02/02/2017 02:18 #81835 da Mastacheata
Risposta da Mastacheata al topic Plugin Interface / Add interval&filtering to webex
It doesn't really matter to us if people would like to post each track.
That's how this service was intended when it started a few years back.
But apparently that's not what the majority of our users wants.
Out of 3000 registered accounts on the old service, 2500 accounts have chosen either PlayCount > 1 or Time > 5 min.
The average timings are 15 minutes for time based interval or 10 tracks for playcount interval.

No idea how that maps to the MB Studio users, I doubt they make up any reasonable share of the 3000 total accounts.
But extrapolating from the general audience, this feature might be welcomed by your users as well.

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MB STUDIO PRO / LITE MB Studio trasforma il computer in una stazione radio. Suona, mixa, sovrappone automaticamente voce e musica, jingles, pubblicita', notiziari. Riproduce stazioni radio web o satellitari e scarica automaticamente notiziari o rubriche da internet. Oltre al player multitraccia, include anche un CD audio ripper. La versione PRO Incorpora anche un jukebox musicale automatico via sms e/o emails.


video reel32MB RECASTER PRO comprende un registratore audio con schedulatore dedicato, trasmissione Webcast verso qualunque server Shoutcast, Icecast o Windows Media, funzione AutoDJ che permette di suonare files casuali da una lista di 4 cartelle, ricevitore URL che vi permette di registrare un qualunque flusso audio esterno o ritrasmetterlo al vostro server (transcoder), un convertitore di files audio da/a qualunque formato.


MB LIVEMB LIVE è un software per la trasmissione di audio \ video in diretta da postazione esterna a studio centrale. Questo programma, sfrutta una qualsiasi connessione TCPIP. E' fornito gratuitamente insieme al programma MB STUDIO PRO.