Errore LAME.exe

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14 Jan 2010 08:03 #44931 by
Errore LAME.exe was created by
Da un po' di tempo ho il programma mbrecorder che regolarmente tutti i giorni si blocca.
se non riavvio il pc ma provo a far ripartire mbrecorder mi da sempre un errore "LAME.EXE"
devo perforza riavviare il pc e allora riprende a funzionare, anche se solo per qualche ora.
il pc e' un win2000 con una scheda audio integrata

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15 Jan 2010 04:47 #44964 by MB RADIO
Replied by MB RADIO on topic Re: Errore LAME.exe
In questo caso il crash è dovuto all'encoder mp3 che si chiama appunto lame.exe. Che modifiche sono state fatte al sistema ultimamente?

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  • Topic Author
21 Jan 2010 09:56 #45185 by
Replied by on topic Re: Errore LAME.exe
nessuna modifica
ne hardware ne software

e' il caso di reinstallare qualcosa?

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MB STUDIO PRO / LITE MB STUDIO is a radio automation software that will allow you to create and manage your own radio station playing all your media files: jingles, commercials, news, songs, Files from internet, live streams, live inputs from your sound card, satellite feeds. Automatically download news and shows from Internet. Multiple overlapping files and/or live sources (mic, line, aux). Voice tracking. Integrated CD Ripper. Integrated jukebox to play songs requested via sms / email messages. Display current playlist on your web site.


video reel32MB RECASTER features an audio recorder with scheduler, a webcast module to send streams to any Shoutcast, Icecast or Windows Media server, AutoDJ function to play randomly your own audio files from up to 4 folders, a stream receiver allowing to record or recast to your server (transcoder), an audio converter from/to any format.


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