06:46:05 Agenda - Comando interno STOP
06:46:05 Stop Click
06:46:05 Fade Out device: 11 - Speed: 1
06:46:05 Split reset
06:46:05 Fine oggetto 2731264.96563247
06:46:05 ======================================================================
06:46:05 TCP lost connection from
06:46:05 TCP Close connection 1
06:46:06 End RecordProc -1342160616
06:46:14 TCP Server - Incoming Connection from - Virtual Socket: 1 - Index: 1
06:46:14 cscGetData 1: <- NEXT
06:46:14 Admin command from - - NEXT
06:46:14 Agenda - Comando interno NEXT
06:46:14 Next Click
06:46:14 Play Click
06:46:14 On air: 5 - EXT1 - Start: 0 - End: 0 (0) - Duration: 0
> EXT1 - Linea in entrata 3
Ciao Maurizio ho problemi con lo split... mi esce sempre questo comando Play Click o STOP Click ma in agenda non ho impostato nulla. mi blocca sembre lo split...
sai dove posso andare a trovare il problema?
10:30:36 Save Genres.dat
10:30:36 File closed 1
10:30:36 Write MBTemp1.dat
10:30:36 File closed 1
10:33:49 TCP Server - Incoming Connection from - Virtual Socket: 0 - Index: 0
10:33:49 cscGetData 0: <- ñSTOP
10:33:49 Admin command from - - STOP
10:33:49 Agenda - Comando interno STOP
10:33:49 Stop Click
10:33:49 Fade Out device: 11 - Speed: 1
10:33:49 Fine oggetto 87900.6377405424
10:33:49 ======================================================================
10:33:49 TCP lost connection from
10:33:49 TCP Close connection 0
10:33:50 End RecordProc -1342177073
10:34:18 Automatic Click
10:34:18 On air: 5 - EXT1 - Start: 0 - End: 0 (0) - Duration: 0
> EXT1 - Linea in entrata 3
> base - [0] Record from SB Audigy 4 Audi - Flag2: 16 - Comment:
> base - intrattenimento - Actual: base - 0000-dolumamegivesa_base.mbp - Timer: 87929.9381633129
10:34:18 RecordSetDevice:
ancora fermo per questo comando che non riesco a capire da dove viene.... :'( :'( :'(
Sei sicuro che nello split in configurazione/rete è attivo il flag "Split slave"?
Inoltre si vede nel debug che lo STOP arriva dall'altro computer, dunque potrebbe trattarsi di un flag di troppo che hai messo alle proprieta' di qualche oggetto.
Inoltre sul master svuota la casella Remote Host e togli il click a "Aggiorna Automaticamente"
MB STUDIO is a radio automation software that will allow you to create and manage your own radio station playing all your media files: jingles, commercials, news, songs, Files from internet, live streams, live inputs from your sound card, satellite feeds. Automatically download news and shows from Internet. Multiple overlapping files and/or live sources (mic, line, aux). Voice tracking. Integrated CD Ripper. Integrated jukebox to play songs requested via sms / email messages. Display current playlist on your web site.
MB RECASTER features an audio recorder with scheduler, a webcast module to send streams to any Shoutcast, Icecast or Windows Media server, AutoDJ function to play randomly your own audio files from up to 4 folders, a stream receiver allowing to record or recast to your server (transcoder), an audio converter from/to any format.
MB LIVE is a software that stream a live audio\video feed from any place to an MB STUDIO PRO automation in the main radio studio. MB LIVE make use of a TCPIP connection. This program is free for MB STUDIO PRO users