Problems with Split

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27 Dec 2009 17:12 #44342 by
Problems with Split was created by
Dear Maurizio,

i have problem to split our two computers. Can you tell me how to connect the two computers correctly? Not sure about "Remote Master IP" and "Remote Host" Need your help!

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27 Dec 2009 17:27 - 27 Dec 2009 17:52 #44344 by MB RADIO
Replied by MB RADIO on topic Re: Problems with Split
In the Master computer:

1) go to Configuration/Network/Split and set "Master" option (leave empty other box like "Remote Host")

In the Slave computers:

1) go to Configuration/Network/Split and set "Slave" option and enter the the ip/port of the remote Master computer (leave empty other box like "Remote Host")

On both computers:

1) load in the random files at least 1 random file with the genre "SPLIT" (MB STUDIO will use this files to wait for other computers to finish their breaks)

2) go to Configuration/Options/More, select the liner that you use for breaks (generally is the Default) , and (on the before item) set the property bit At start "Run split mode"

while (on the "after" item) you set "End splitters"

In MB SPOT ensure that breaks have the default liner assigned

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Last edit: 27 Dec 2009 17:52 by .

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27 Dec 2009 17:52 #44346 by
Replied by on topic Re: Problems with Split
Dear Maurizio!

thanks for your answer. I like to split the news. So i program "send next" comand at the begin and the end in the mb spot section of the master pc, but when the news start, in the remote pc, the command will not be activated. I checked the
split settings on both computers. I think there are correct. When i press in the remote pc on the remote master ip button, in the master pc a windows open and i see: test connection from the remote pc. Any ideas what i'm doing wrong?

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27 Dec 2009 18:07 #44347 by MB RADIO
Replied by MB RADIO on topic Re: Problems with Split
So, you're not using the split function to start the news? but just sending a "NEXT" signal from one computer to another?

If so, it's a completely different scenario

In the main computer:

1) go to Configuration/Network/Split and set "Remote Host ip:port" of the second computer

2) set the property/flag "At start - Enable Bit 4" and "At End - Disable Bit 4" on the first news item

In the second MB STUDIO:

1) go to Configuration/Options/Options and enable the following option:

This way you'll be able to send PLAY, PLAY ALL, LIVE, NEXT, AUTOMATIC from one MB STUDIO to another MB STUDIO (just change the bit number accordingly)

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27 Dec 2009 18:15 #44348 by
Replied by on topic Re: Problems with Split
What about the settings in the remote pc. Should i disable in the split section the slave button and delete the ip address of the master pc in the field remote master ip?

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27 Dec 2009 18:16 #44349 by MB RADIO
Replied by MB RADIO on topic Re: Problems with Split

What about the settings in the remote pc. Should i disable in the split section the slave button and delete the ip address of the master pc in the field remote master ip?

Yes, disable any split option, because you're not using the split mode, you're only sending "Control bits" from the first MB STUDIO to the second.

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27 Dec 2009 18:25 #44350 by
Replied by on topic Re: Problems with Split
What about the "send next" command in the programmed news. Also delete?

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27 Dec 2009 19:32 #44351 by MB RADIO
Replied by MB RADIO on topic Re: Problems with Split

What about the "send next" command in the programmed news. Also delete?

yes, it only send the "NEXT" command over a webcast stream, it don't send NEXT trough a TCP connection.

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27 Dec 2009 19:43 #44353 by
Replied by on topic Re: Problems with Split
No it's works! Thanks! One more question. What to do if the news of the master are longer than the song i like to play on the remote pc. Just plan two split songs in mb spot of the remote pc?

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28 Dec 2009 00:01 #44360 by MB RADIO
Replied by MB RADIO on topic Re: Problems with Split

No it's works! Thanks! One more question. What to do if the news of the master are longer than the song i like to play on the remote pc. Just plan two split songs in mb spot of the remote pc?

The system you're using is not good to handle news duration. This is why i first suggested you to use the split function.
The split function take care of the break duration and the first station that end the news will play a SPLIT random file until the other station finish to play news.
In split mode, you have no problems if the news on main computer are shorter than the second computer or viceversa.

However, if you would continue using your current setup, on the second computer just add a break with a song, and ensure that news duration is always shorter than on the main computer, ex:

12:00:00 News
12:00:01 Song

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28 Dec 2009 08:02 #44369 by
Replied by on topic Re: Problems with Split
Dear Maurizio,

can i use the split function also for news? If yes, should the news planned in the system like commercials? Please let me know!

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28 Dec 2009 12:32 #44378 by MB RADIO
Replied by MB RADIO on topic Re: Problems with Split

can i use the split function also for news?

Yes, just put the Run Split Mode on the first item and End splitters on the last item.

If yes, should the news planned in the system like commercials? Please let me know!

Yes, just create a break titled "News" or something else, and put your news inside.

I hope you're not using music playlist to broadcast news?
Please,only use playlist for music scheduling.

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MB STUDIO PRO / LITE MB STUDIO is a radio automation software that will allow you to create and manage your own radio station playing all your media files: jingles, commercials, news, songs, Files from internet, live streams, live inputs from your sound card, satellite feeds. Automatically download news and shows from Internet. Multiple overlapping files and/or live sources (mic, line, aux). Voice tracking. Integrated CD Ripper. Integrated jukebox to play songs requested via sms / email messages. Display current playlist on your web site.


video reel32MB RECASTER features an audio recorder with scheduler, a webcast module to send streams to any Shoutcast, Icecast or Windows Media server, AutoDJ function to play randomly your own audio files from up to 4 folders, a stream receiver allowing to record or recast to your server (transcoder), an audio converter from/to any format.


MB LIVEMB LIVE is a software that stream a live audio\video feed from any place to an MB STUDIO PRO automation in the main radio studio. MB LIVE make use of a TCPIP connection. This program is free for MB STUDIO PRO users