MB STUDIO allows you to broadcast files whose name may vary according to the current day or time; this is very useful when you need to schedule podcasts or contents that contain the date in the file name.
It is sufficient to replace the date or time in the file name, with the appropriate wildcards. At the time of broadcasting, MB STUDIO will replace the wildcards with the values of the date or time in place at the time of broadcast and therefore the file expected for that day and for that moment will play, without you having to go daily, weekly or monthly to edit the playlist or the time sequence

Here is the syntax of the various wildcards:

%dn% = name of the day in 2 letters (Example: mo, tu, we, th, fr, sa, su) - (add an exclamation point if capital letters are desired %dn!% )
%ddd% = name of the day in 3 letters (Example: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu .....) - (add an exclamation point if capital letters are desired %ddd!% )
%dddd% = full name of the day (Example: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday .....) - (add an exclamation point if capital letters are desired %dddd!% )
%d% = day number with one or two digits from 1 to 31
%dd% = two-digit day number from 01 to 31
%m% = one or two digit month number (January = 1, October = 10)
%mm%= two-digit month number (January = 01, October = 10)
%mmm% = 3-letter month name (Jan, Feb, Mar, ...) - (add an exclamation point if capital letters are desired %mmm!% )
%mmmm% = extended name of the month (January, February ...) - (add an exclamation point if capital letters are desired %mmmm!% )
%yy% = last two digit of the year from 00 to 99
%yyyy% = four-digit year (2011, 2012, ...)
%ww%=week number in the year (varies from 1 to 53)
(to know the week number, open a calendar in MB SPOT)

%h% = hours with one or two digits from 0 (midnight) to 23
%hh% = two-digit hours from 00 (midnight) to 23
%n% = one- or two-digit minutes from 0 to 59
%nn% = two-digit minutes from 00 to 59

%sy% = year of the next song
%sd% = decade of the next song
%sg%= genre of the next song
%ar% = artist of the next song
%sa% = artist and title of the next song

%0% = a number automatically increased by +1 by MB STUDIO

These instead are additional or subtractive wild cards (must preceed the date or time to change):
%day+x% = add x days to the current date (example: to generate tomorrow's date foo%day+1%%ddmmyy%.mp3)
%day-x% = subtract x days from the current date (example: to generate the date of yesterday foo%day-1%%ddmmyy%.mp3)
%hour+x% = add x hours to the current time (example: to generate the next hour foo%hour+1%%hh%.mp3)
%hour-% = subtract hours x the current time (example: to generate the previous hour foo%hour-1%%hh%.mp3)

From the table above you can understand for example that if you need to form a date in the format daymonthyear you must use %ddmmyy% (if year has 2 digits) or %ddmmyyyy% if year has 4 digits)

Here is an example:

1) suppose that every day you have to broadcast a file called horoscope17062019.mp3 (obviously the date changes every day)

2) open MB SPOT and in the desired break insert File and in the file request window, click in the File Name box and type horoscope%ddmmyyyy%.mp3

3) when MB STUDIO will broadcast that file, it will replace the wildcards with the current date and therefore it will look for the right file for that day.
Wildcards must always be preceded and followed by the % symbol, if you need to use more adjacent wildcards you can put the % character only at the beginning and at the end of the wildcard sequence (Example to simulate a date like "Monday 28 December 2023" write "% dddd dd mmmm yyyy%"

another example: we have a file called "weather forecast 08-26-2022.mp3", then we will have to program the file "weather forecast %mm-dd-yyyy%.mp3"

This function is also very useful for downloading files from internet sites, for example podcasts or horoscopes or weather bulletins, it will be enough to give the url from which to download the file, but replacing day month year with wildcards. Note that only wildcards linked to time (date / time) are effective in downloads. The %0% character does not work with downloads.

When writing wildcards in the file selection window you must also specify the extension of the audio file, for example .mp3 or .wav. It is therefore essential to ENABLE WINDOWS VISUALIZATION OF THE EXTENSIONS!