MB STUDIO allows the automatic installation of updates up to the license update expiry date. After the expiration date you can extend the updates for a further 12 months from here:https://www.mbradio.it/en/shop/mbstudio/12-months-of-mb-studio-software-updates
From the MBStudio \ License menu it is possible to enable or disable the automatic installation of updates.
Once a week, if a new update is available, MB STUDIO downloads and installs it automatically between 3 am and 5 am (MB STUDIO must therefore be running at that time). The installation involves a brief interruption of the broadcast and takes place at the end of the song currently on the air (to avoid an abrupt musical cut that would be unpleasant to the listener).
If, on the other hand, the version is NoLicense MB STUDIO downloads the update but installs it only at the next restart of MB STUDIO or Windows.