Recording Time settings in ReCaster

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08 Jui 2017 13:59 #82982 par paul03034
Recording Time settings in ReCaster a été créé par paul03034
I have to bring this up again to point out the issue I have. Please consider a solution for more timing ability. It exists in other parts of your program on other features.

I have shows that are 59 minutes long, but they always get clipped or I air tone on-air.

Show starts at say 8:00:10 and ends at 8:59:10. The 10 second show delay is for 10 second ID

Start time is OK as it has 10 seconds of silence and that is removed with gap detection, so it it is cued to show start

End time is set for 8:58:00 which records for 59 minutes and then stops before shows end at 8:59:10 give or take a few seconds

When the show ends there is about 7-10 seconds of silence and then tone.

If I increase timer stop time to end at 8:59:00 I get 60 minutes record and the tone plays over the air.

I tried to shorten silence detection to less than 7 seconds, but that has caused the show to end anywhere there is 7 seconds of silence and since it has interviews that happens and show ends.

If I take show live from stream I have the ability to start stream at 8:00:10 and end at 8:59:10, but I don't want to air it at that time, so I am in a unsolvable situation. Record time is only settable to the minute. VOX function might work, but if they do interview and there is silence it could clip show. If VOX worked only during last minute of record then it would probably work, but seems having seconds would be better.

Thank you!

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10 Jui 2017 00:43 - 10 Jui 2017 00:43 #82993 par MB RADIO
Réponse de MB RADIO sur le sujet Recording Time settings in ReCaster

paul03034 écrit: having seconds would be better.

Seconds are available in MB RECASTER PRO 4.2

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Dernière édition: 10 Jui 2017 00:43 par MB RADIO.
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: paul03034

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10 Jui 2017 02:38 #82994 par paul03034
Réponse de paul03034 sur le sujet Recording Time settings in ReCaster
Thank you very, very much!!!!!!!!
Great Fix !

Thank you again!

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  • tomi-tong
12 Jui 2017 18:10 #83013 par tomi-tong
Réponse de tomi-tong sur le sujet Recording Time settings in ReCaster
I may have missed the info. But for what reason are not the seconds available on all functions of Mb Studio (the recorder in particular)? This could make programming easier.

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13 Jui 2017 23:56 #83029 par MB RADIO
Réponse de MB RADIO sur le sujet Recording Time settings in ReCaster

tomi-tong écrit: I may have missed the info. But for what reason are not the seconds available on all functions of Mb Studio (the recorder in particular)? This could make programming easier.

Only the scheduled recorder of MB STUDIO has no seconds but it will added this weekend. All other functions of MB STUDIO has seconds

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MB STUDIO PRO / LITE MB Studio transforme votre ordinateur en station de radio. Jouez, mixez, superposez automatiquement voix et musique, jingles, publicités, actualités. Il lit les stations de radio Web ou par satellite et télécharge automatiquement des actualités ou des répertoires sur Internet. En plus du lecteur multipiste, il comprend également un extracteur de CD audio. La version PRO intègre également un juke-box automatique de musique via sms et / ou e-mails.


video reel32MB RECASTER PRO comprend un enregistreur audio avec programmateur dédié, une transmission Webcast vers n'importe quel serveur Shoutcast, Icecast, la fonction AutoDJ qui vous permet de lire des fichiers aléatoires à partir d'une liste de 4 dossiers, un récepteur URL qui vous permet d'enregistrer n'importe quel flux audio externe ou retransmettez-le à votre serveur (transcodeur), un convertisseur de fichiers audio de / vers n'importe quel format.


MB LIVEMB LIVE est un logiciel de transmission audio \ video en direct d'une station externe vers un studio central. Ce programme utilise n'importe quelle connexion TCPIP. Il est fourni gratuitement avec le programme MB STUDIO PRO.