MB STUDIO PRO allows the management of a music archive of any size, however for reasons of efficiency and saving of resources the archive is initially limited to 20480 songs. Those who need to exceed this value can change a setting in the Windows registry, bearing in mind the following:

  1. as the archive limit increases, both memory consumption and cpu consumption increase
  2. if you use other MB STUDIOs on the network (not recommended, use MB REMOTE instead of MB STUDIO) the value must be changed on all PCs where MB STUDIO is used (both client and server), otherwise data will be lost from the archive itself.
  3. the new value to be assigned must be set without exaggeration and on the real estimate of the number of songs that you think you have to use.

To change the initial limit of 20,480 songs:

  1. Close MB STUDIO if it is running
  2. Run menu 2021-05-24_133538.jpg
  3. write "regedit" and give OK
  4. open "\\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\MB SOFT\MBStudio 0" (zero or other number if you have installed more MBStudio on the same computer)
  5. Open the Max Songs value, put the base on Decimal and change the number 20480 to whatever you want. (for efficiency always use multiple values of 32)
  6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 on all PCs where MB STUDIO is used. In fact, if you forget this change on another PC you will suffer data loss. (fortunately recoverable within 90 days thanks to autoimatic backup)
